Host Adam King, Matthew Mausner, and cohost Rock Breath breakdown EP020 and give some additional insight on whether or not Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu a Nazi.
TALKING EP020: Is Netanyahu A Nazi?
January 5, 2023
Host Adam King, Matthew Mausner, and cohost Rock Breath breakdown EP020 and give some additional insight on whether or not Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu a Nazi.
The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun.
Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day.
With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships.
Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations.
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00:00:13:24 - 00:00:35:13
Speaker 1
All right. So after our segment, what did you think about our show and what do you think about the idea of Bebe being a Nazi? No, you're not Jewish. You had three Jews on this show today. You're not Jewish. What's a non-Jewish perspective of them from I know you and I didn't talk about what we were going to do the show on before I said I was just like, I'm doing the show and Bibi being a Nazi.
00:00:35:13 - 00:00:44:01
Speaker 1
And you're like, okay, let's do it, you know? So like after what I said and what was said, was any of that convincing.
00:00:44:01 - 00:01:12:20
Speaker 2
You know, what is a non Jew and somebody who isn't so, so, so deep into Netanyahu, I would have to say that I can't be convinced, but I would like to have you do this further and go deeper and deeper into. Right. You know why you think that? And then maybe we can put something down where we can line the dots up and point in the direction that you want it to go to Another quote.
00:01:12:20 - 00:01:36:22
Speaker 1
But the question isn't, is he a Nazi or isn't he a Nazi? The question is, clearly he did aid and abet the Nazis. The question is, is Pfizer a Nazi company? That's the real question that we're posing in the show. And if the real Nazi company he aided and abetted the Nazis, which makes him a terror, a traitor, whether he does it intentionally or unintentionally.
00:01:36:22 - 00:01:38:07
Speaker 2
Then the question becomes, and that.
00:01:38:07 - 00:01:41:12
Speaker 1
Is still treason and gross negligence does not apply here.
00:01:42:01 - 00:01:52:11
Speaker 2
Understood. But the question that is not as he a Nazi, it is is is Pfizer a Nazi, which would then make him a Nazi. So we have to get the answer to that question.
00:01:52:11 - 00:01:57:06
Speaker 1
Yeah, but that's pretty obvious. I mean, like the quality of stuff is critical.
00:01:57:09 - 00:02:19:06
Speaker 3
That doesn't mean that people are Nazis, like Nasser, you know, used their rocket scientists and basically enslaved them. And the Russians did the same thing and enslaved these Nazis to communism to make rockets. So it doesn't mean that somebody is what does it mean to be a Nazi? It means you're still trying to put that Nazi agenda into the world.
00:02:20:00 - 00:02:43:13
Speaker 3
I don't know what the evil people in you know, I don't I don't know whoever knows that this thing is harming people and is still putting it out there in the world. That's evil. You can say that. I don't know if they're Nazis or not. I'm not sure if it helps to keep throwing that word around, because me as a Jew, every time I hear you say it, I'm afraid that the the Israel haters are going to use this against Israel.
00:02:44:09 - 00:03:09:18
Speaker 1
Well, if that's the case, I don't give a shit, to be honest with you. I care about the Jewish people in Israel. And if we and and if the if the if the goyim barking about the world that DB is a Nazi living is the Nazi gets us to actually not believe that he is a real Nazi, even if he is acting like one and possibly being one, then we've been psyops by the by the non-Jewish world around us.
00:03:09:21 - 00:03:31:20
Speaker 1
Who wants to kill us and we just are not allowing ourselves to go down the path where Bibi could possibly be a Nazi because of Entebbe, because of all these other things that Bibi was in and because of all this. This guy's like, perpetuated war amongst the Jewish people. Why haven't we just been able to wipe these people out or make a settlement offer to them with tons of money?
00:03:31:20 - 00:03:50:17
Speaker 1
We could have made a settlement offer. He keeps us in this perpetual state of war with Hamas because that's how he's petitioned himself to be able to maintain power. He's always been against the Jewish people. We just don't see it until the mass. The big plan comes out. We see him as our war hawk and our war leader because he's so polished.
00:03:50:17 - 00:04:03:00
Speaker 1
But he's like a Harvard graduate. He's in the conspiracies like in the Bilderberg Group or the Harvard elite social clubs that, like even Ron DeSantis is a part of. You know what I'm afraid of? The Harvard Yale mafias.
00:04:03:11 - 00:04:09:15
Speaker 3
He's a red herring, and I'm not sure you should focus on him. I mean, he was just out of power for the last 18 months at best.
00:04:09:17 - 00:04:30:09
Speaker 1
I'm going to say that Bibi Netanyahu is just not played like an idiot, just like Trump got played like an idiot. Bibi got played like an idiot. He should never be prime minister again. He should like he should be writing an apology letter to every Maariv newspaper every single day. Hey, when I was prime minister, I really botched the head.
00:04:30:12 - 00:04:44:07
Speaker 1
I'm so sorry, guys. I really messed up. I'm so sorry. I want to see a full blown chuba from Bibi before I even allow him to have any decency as a human being again. Now, what does it say? Empirical vote when you're the leader. Do you know about Peer Cather?
00:04:45:01 - 00:04:47:01
Speaker 3
I do, but I don't remember which quote you mean.
00:04:47:01 - 00:05:03:11
Speaker 1
When you're the leader, you have to make sure that you don't lead your people astray because they will follow you no matter what. And that's what he did. He led the people astray. And it's a very, very dangerous segment. You know, it's a very dangerous thing.
00:05:03:20 - 00:05:32:02
Speaker 2
To to jump in. You know, I think every leader in the world is joined at any time in history, is doing their best to lead their people to a positive result. There are instances where in barbarism and things of that nature, where it was led down the other path. So to be fair, it's across the board at I'm it's not just with one particular leader in one particular country.
00:05:32:12 - 00:05:44:24
Speaker 2
It's it's across the board. And I know I could put Netanyahu in the same room with George Bush. I mean, you could. Yeah, Yeah, of course I could have.
00:05:45:02 - 00:05:47:24
Speaker 1
I'm sure they've been in the same room with each other many times.
00:05:48:01 - 00:05:57:20
Speaker 2
Well, I mean, in that in the sense of what our topic is, that as a leader, he misled us into believing certain things. And at the.
00:05:57:20 - 00:06:02:19
Speaker 1
Time he was president, Ariel Sharon was was prime minister. I just want to give some context.
00:06:02:19 - 00:06:11:17
Speaker 2
So then the ultimate question is who is leading our country? And who is leading the thoughts of these so, so to speak, leaders of our country.
00:06:11:17 - 00:06:12:23
Speaker 1
I mean, it's the Nazis.
00:06:13:06 - 00:06:21:08
Speaker 3
Well, I don't think it's the Nazis. But what does scare me is like I used to get my news from triangulating, but, you know, hold on.
00:06:21:08 - 00:06:36:14
Speaker 1
You don't think it's the Nazis? Let's explore this. Why is the World Economic Forum not the Nazis? Klaus Schwab is literally a Nazi, and he's like, orchestrating that. They are clearly the ones who did the task. Ask, ask.
00:06:36:21 - 00:06:44:01
Speaker 3
Whatever they are. It might be worse than the Nazis. It might be worse than the Communists, but they're not Nazis. And I don't think it's helpful to call them that.
00:06:44:09 - 00:07:14:01
Speaker 1
But they are Nazis. They are the warm ups. Eugene Schwab was Eugene Schwab. Klaus Schwab's father was an actual SS agent Nazi. He was a real Nazi. Klaus Schwab, his son, the chairman of the World Economic Forum, the Davos group. They are Nazis, real Nazis. They are the ones who control the World Health, the World Health Organization. They are the one who deal with China.
00:07:14:01 - 00:07:14:22
Speaker 3
They're in partnership.
00:07:14:22 - 00:07:21:05
Speaker 1
With Bill Gates in the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation. It's all behind the Jeffrey Epstein pedophilia rings.
00:07:22:02 - 00:07:47:05
Speaker 3
So now that's an interesting question. China partly controls the W.H.O. and whatever else they are. I know they're not Nazis. They are problems. The Epstein thing is really interesting to me because it seems pretty clear from whatever else, like I don't know if you heard about recently, Biden just crushed an investor get he got the attorney general of the U.S. Virgin Islands fired because she was trying to investigate something related to.
00:07:47:05 - 00:07:47:18
Speaker 3
00:07:47:22 - 00:07:53:14
Speaker 1
Yeah, but let's stay on the topic of Israel to say this point, and then let's get back on the topic of Israel, because that's what this show is.
00:07:53:19 - 00:07:57:15
Speaker 3
Well, that is my point, actually, is that I feel like Israel is not sovereign.
00:07:58:07 - 00:08:01:21
Speaker 1
That's exactly my point. Who is controlling Israel and.
00:08:01:23 - 00:08:02:20
Speaker 3
Who is controlling?
00:08:03:03 - 00:08:07:13
Speaker 1
I think it's the world economic policy, which is that actual Nazis did.
00:08:08:05 - 00:08:08:15
Speaker 3
With the.
00:08:08:15 - 00:08:09:20
Speaker 1
00:08:09:20 - 00:08:23:03
Speaker 3
But I agree with what Zach was saying is that the Nazis tended to to be public about what their agenda was and whatever this World Economic Forum or whatever is going on, they're not telling us what's really going on.
00:08:23:04 - 00:08:27:06
Speaker 1
You know who the World Economic Forum is? Have you done any research into that?
00:08:27:06 - 00:08:40:13
Speaker 3
Unfortunately, I do. I know enough to know that I don't understand what they really are. They seem to be way more powerful than they should be. They say some pieces of their agenda, but I don't know if it's their real agenda. So that's where I'm at with World Economic Forum.
00:08:41:10 - 00:09:11:21
Speaker 1
Well, here at Infowars, we have gone very deep into the World Economic Forum deep dive. And the truth is, is this has been a plan that has been in the in the works for a long time through the World Economic Forum, trying to find the the video right now. I think it's in hot videos for everybody still watching.
00:09:11:21 - 00:09:43:00
Speaker 1
Please check out hot videos in the band video. It's not in hot videos. It's in Darren McBrien. So, Darren, bring on the band. Our video channel has a lot of really, really great stuff in it. You know what? I don't even I have it on the computer itself, guys. Even better. I have it on the computer itself. We don't even have to run it from the website Rock.
00:09:43:00 - 00:09:52:02
Speaker 1
We've been having so many technical difficulties this show, and I'm so proud of us for the way we've gotten through them. I mean, you were in the background. You saw how well I was doing that.
00:09:53:01 - 00:10:11:01
Speaker 2
Yeah, you're doing great, Adam. It's the new phone. You just have to get more familiar with. Shut up and make sure that everything is length across the board when you do this stuff, you know? I mean, it's just there's a lot of stuff that's not logged in on your phone yet. So. Yeah, Yeah, but that's it. I think it's solely, you know, the new phone.
00:10:11:01 - 00:10:12:19
Speaker 2
Other than that, we've been on fire.
00:10:14:05 - 00:10:33:24
Speaker 1
I am going to pull it up. I got it. Give me a sec. Got it. You know, like I have gone through the back end of so many of these things to make that, you know, like I thought out of the box and like, how do I play this video? Oh, go. And then the video and play it directly from the website.
00:10:34:16 - 00:11:08:19
Speaker 1
You know that we're good, man. We are working hard to, like, make sure that our audience stays tuned while we have problems. You know, the first time that we did this was actually on the episode with the dating episode of the with Laura Pacifica and Layla book, with which I totally think everybody should watch my dating episodes. They generate the most feedback, but when we have technical difficulties, we have this policy because we messed up on an episode of Kevin Paffrath that a mega celebrity with us and like he never came back because the NFL player was being a real.
00:11:09:18 - 00:11:12:14
Speaker 2
It was like episode two. That would have been episode two.
00:11:12:14 - 00:11:26:16
Speaker 1
I know I still beat myself up my chest over that episode. Every now and then Kevin leads me on that. He's going to come back on our show. But anyways, I'm going to tell you guys, I'm going to show you a whole video really quick because this is the World Economic Forum. We're doing a great job here.
00:11:27:03 - 00:12:04:10
Speaker 4
This young generation, like Prime Minister Trudeau, half of this government are actually young. Nobody, the social under 43 penetrates the cabinets. So change is not just happening, but change can be shaped by us. We have to prepare for a more angry world, how to prepare, take the necessary action to create the favorable. I see the need for a great reset so people assume we are just going back to the good old world which we had and everything will be normal again.
00:12:04:17 - 00:12:08:21
Speaker 4
So this is, let's say, true. It will not happen.
00:12:09:06 - 00:12:11:07
Speaker 1
There is only one way.
00:12:11:07 - 00:12:16:21
Speaker 2
This pandemic is going to go. It's going to get worse and worse and worse.
00:12:17:04 - 00:12:24:01
Speaker 4
The next crisis is already raging for us around corner and it is.
00:12:24:06 - 00:12:31:16
Speaker 5
The climate crisis.
00:12:31:16 - 00:12:47:02
Speaker 1
So there you guys go. That is the World Economic Forum chairman, Klaus Schwab. In his own words, Klaus Schwab is the leader of the actual Nazis. Today.
00:12:47:02 - 00:12:50:10
Speaker 3
I just don't see it being helpful, calling them the Nazis, whatever they are.
00:12:50:10 - 00:13:12:24
Speaker 1
The Nazis, though. That's what's so strange that you're a Jew and you don't think it's helpful to call them actual Nazis, the Nazis, because everybody else called everyone who isn't a Nazi a Nazi. That pisses me off. Honestly, I'm angered that, like, Jewish people don't understand that. I mean, Rock, you're not even Jewish. Like, can you understand being a Jew, that if Nazis survived the war, that they're going to be after us?
00:13:12:24 - 00:13:16:22
Speaker 1
And it's important to figure out who they actually are?
00:13:16:22 - 00:13:28:05
Speaker 2
Well, we know they survived. I mean, as far as having the ability to to regroup and do anything, I have to agree with Matthew or Matt. How do you prefer.
00:13:28:12 - 00:13:29:06
Speaker 3
It either way?
00:13:29:14 - 00:13:45:18
Speaker 2
Okay. So I have to agree with you. I mean, it doesn't serve a purpose to specifically go. I mean, you're really strongly classifying it as such. There's no leaving it to thought anybody's ability to think.
00:13:45:18 - 00:13:47:21
Speaker 1
And not use them as a political idea.
00:13:47:21 - 00:13:49:02
Speaker 2
Or demand, you know.
00:13:49:02 - 00:13:51:03
Speaker 1
Eradicate the Jews from the world.
00:13:51:18 - 00:13:57:01
Speaker 3
That's true. But but it's also, you know, Godwin's Law, like once you say it, you sort of blow up a conversation.
00:13:57:01 - 00:14:20:07
Speaker 1
Okay, So here's the question. If you guys have the ability to prevent the Nazis, the actual Nazis coming back to power, if the actual Nazis were coming back to power and you had the ability to prevent it, or they could actually attain real power if we do nothing, and they were out there actually acquiring statehood and control over governments, would you not want to try to identify them at least and know what they're up to?
00:14:20:12 - 00:14:34:06
Speaker 1
Or do you want to live in ignorance, a shroud of ignorance, and just pretend like the big bad Nazis are not actually real? Because the only Nazis that you care about are like some American white man that the liberal media is led by. Graham is the only Nazi on earth.
00:14:34:15 - 00:14:45:10
Speaker 3
My grandparents were communists. It doesn't make me a communist. Like I think that whatever the World Economic Forum is doing, it might actually be worse than what the Nazis were trying to do.
00:14:46:03 - 00:14:52:21
Speaker 1
Well, it's easy to point out Klaus Schwab is the protege of Adolf Hitler. He is much, much worse.
00:14:52:23 - 00:15:03:11
Speaker 2
I want to warn it. They're not specifically trying to eliminate the Jews. They're trying to eliminate the population, young population, to the extent that they can control.
00:15:03:11 - 00:15:07:21
Speaker 1
Trying to eliminate all of them. They're trying to leave 5 million people only.
00:15:08:02 - 00:15:12:18
Speaker 3
Yeah, they have said so. I'd like to have said things that they're going to reduce the world population.
00:15:13:08 - 00:15:22:20
Speaker 1
I basically came out saying that they're going to kill like 10% of the world, More than 90% of the world they're going to kill.
00:15:22:23 - 00:15:25:24
Speaker 2
Doesn't make them Nazis. That makes them worse than Nazis.
00:15:26:10 - 00:15:50:13
Speaker 1
Okay. But let's say they say that they are okay. Okay, guys, slow with me for a sec. I'm really trying to understand your logic here. Okay. Let's say you guys are, like, out to lunch. I'm wondering if both of you are vaccinated at this point. Okay, so listen to this. Right? So like you're saying that these people, what they are is worse than the Nazis.
00:15:51:05 - 00:16:02:20
Speaker 1
Now, what if not only is what they're doing worse than the Nazis, but what if they're the next generation of the actual Nazis going like full Metal Jacket on everybody in 2.0?
00:16:02:22 - 00:16:05:13
Speaker 2
It isn't going to happen because the people like.
00:16:05:13 - 00:16:06:06
Speaker 1
My God.
00:16:06:06 - 00:16:06:15
Speaker 2
00:16:06:18 - 00:16:09:21
Speaker 1
I'm so naive. You got to. We all love that possibility.
00:16:09:24 - 00:16:24:22
Speaker 2
As soon as as soon as it's recognized by the general population, we're going to just like a militia would stand up against. The United States government will stand up against them, and people will rally around the world to defend themselves against what.
00:16:24:22 - 00:16:50:19
Speaker 1
They haven't so far and listen to those in control of the war in Ukraine. Let's talk about that rock. We've done so many episodes about the war in Ukraine. Who have I said, is control in control over the war of Ukraine? The World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab is pulling the strings in Ukraine. Ukraine is the epicenter for bio labs, weaponized bio labs for the war there, genetically modifying viruses and all sorts of things to breed superhuman soldiers.
00:16:51:04 - 00:17:11:20
Speaker 1
That was the work of Josef Mengele. It's like clear in front of you that this is the the evolution of that movement. And people are having such a hard time just saying, yeah, those are the Nazis. Like, I got my associate producer on the show with me right now. I got an under ax Jew in Israel right now.
00:17:12:00 - 00:17:19:08
Speaker 1
And both of you guys are telling me that it's not relevant to point out if also these people are actual Nazis.
00:17:19:08 - 00:17:23:13
Speaker 3
Well, okay. Because the worst bio lab in the world is the Wuhan Institute.
00:17:23:16 - 00:17:29:24
Speaker 1
That's not true. That is not true. See, you're doing it again in terms of by doing it again.
00:17:29:24 - 00:17:36:01
Speaker 3
In terms of body count, the most people have died because of the actions. You didn't see body count. What?
00:17:36:08 - 00:17:40:07
Speaker 1
You didn't say body count. You know how many.
00:17:40:08 - 00:17:40:20
Speaker 3
In the world.
00:17:41:01 - 00:17:45:12
Speaker 1
You know how many biolabs the United States is running in Ukraine?
00:17:46:17 - 00:17:47:06
Speaker 3
I believe.
00:17:47:09 - 00:17:58:11
Speaker 1
I do. I know the number. It's 11. Number 11. You know, what? Should I play the video? Should we make this a longer segment rock and just burn the world with the truth show?
00:17:58:11 - 00:18:00:14
Speaker 2
Adam, We're we're going to do what you want to do.
00:18:02:00 - 00:18:08:18
Speaker 1
You know, Let me see if I can find the video. Yeah, I have the video. Here's the video. I'm going to play the video.
00:18:08:18 - 00:18:20:23
Speaker 2
So if if, in fact, they're worse than the previous generation of Nazis, we need to give them another name that has to be given another.
00:18:21:00 - 00:18:23:13
Speaker 1
What if they call themselves the Nazis? What if?
00:18:23:13 - 00:18:28:19
Speaker 2
Well, then, of course, then of course, Adam, that I'm going to go after every fucking Nazi in the world. Excuse me.
00:18:28:21 - 00:18:29:09
Speaker 3
Would you.
00:18:29:09 - 00:18:48:12
Speaker 1
Like all these jerk offs? Dude, honestly, I got to be honest with you. Brad Pitt, fucking George Clooney, all these fucking losers. I'm not even allowed to cause them the platform, and I just cussed. That's how much it pisses me off. They go around and they make these like we kill all the Nazi movies. Like I'm the super hero.
00:18:48:12 - 00:18:49:03
Speaker 2
Non Jew.
00:18:49:04 - 00:19:16:00
Speaker 1
Who goes around, kills all the Nazis. Good at it, but no more Nazis. Save the world. Poor suffering Jews. We set you free like all the non-Jewish mega celebrities. They they all do this like ceremonial occult piece of fiction where they come out and they're like the liberator of the Nazis. The Jews to the Nazis. Right? America's been brought up on, like, actual Nazi persecution and and defending the world from Nazis and.
00:19:17:00 - 00:19:18:06
Speaker 2
That's not actual.
00:19:18:13 - 00:19:21:05
Speaker 1
The actual Nazis I'm telling you about.
00:19:21:05 - 00:19:22:17
Speaker 3
So I really think it's.
00:19:23:09 - 00:19:24:17
Speaker 1
You got to hear me difficult.
00:19:25:00 - 00:19:25:04
Speaker 3
00:19:25:05 - 00:19:52:04
Speaker 1
Listen, this is the Adam King show. You guys got to listen to me, okay? And you got to take what I would say seriously. If you want to be invited back on and discredit everything I say. So I'm a dictator. The name is King. But no, I just in all fairness, though, if we want to purge the world from Nazis, we live in such ignorant, naive lives that we think that the Nazis aren't around today, that there actually isn't Nazis.
00:19:52:11 - 00:20:42:22
Speaker 1
In Ukraine. The Azov brigades have swastikas on all of their bodies tattooed. Every soldier of Azov is tattooed with Nazis. They're led by the World Economic Forum and they're funded by the American taxpayer. This is like fact, fact, fact. There's nothing you could do to get around that fact. We sent them $110 billion, and we're now proposing to send another $47 billion if Kevin McCarthy gets his little wish of being third in line from the throne, then he is going to get he's going to he's going to push 47 billion to 2 to the endless war against Russia and Ukraine, for the war industries that protested Trump because he didn't go to war with anybody.
00:20:43:08 - 00:20:45:19
Speaker 2
So how do we end that? How do we end the war then?
00:20:45:24 - 00:21:09:04
Speaker 1
The war in Ukraine needs to end. And in order to have the war in Ukraine, you have to end. It's not. Zelinsky You think that Fagot, who runs around and does his bisexual tranny dances and then becomes prime minister is going to be the you think he's going to be the the the the leader of of the people.
00:21:09:04 - 00:21:12:17
Speaker 1
You think he's the general on the field against Putin? No, he's.
00:21:12:17 - 00:21:14:04
Speaker 3
A good actor. He's a good actor.
00:21:14:04 - 00:21:27:05
Speaker 1
He's an actor. He's sitting there with Sean Penn, extremely dude voice saying America gives me more money, more numerical. It gets on my front lawn. I need deer on my front lawn.
00:21:27:15 - 00:21:31:05
Speaker 3
He needs the money. If he's going to win that war, can we can we at least agree on that?
00:21:31:05 - 00:22:02:14
Speaker 1
He'll never win the war. It's only to push for a nuclear apocalypse, which is another Nazi agenda. The Nazis have several agendas from the previous Nazis. The previous Nazis. Hitler's Nazis had several agendas. One of them was geoengineering, the bioengineering, the entire world through mengele's research that they can genetically modified humans to be stronger and more fit, to have psychic powers, to be able to be like gods and live forever.
00:22:02:19 - 00:22:28:23
Speaker 1
That's what he was after. He had ambitions to destroy the world and bring about a different age of chaos and civilization through chaos. In his writings, you know, Adolf Hitler was a tremendously deep thinker. He had such a tremendous vision for his world, his disgusting, filthy, putrid world. He had a huge vision for his world. He wasn't just handled by people.
00:22:29:02 - 00:22:54:17
Speaker 1
He actually had vision and scope. And before you try to jump in there because they see you trying to get on this, you have to understand that he had backup plans for if he failed, how to continue on the work to bring about the change for the Aryan race. And that's what he sought to do. And he did that through he part of the part of the Holocaust, what we call the Shoah.
00:22:54:21 - 00:23:32:22
Speaker 1
The Holocaust was his burned offering to ancient gods where he burnt Jews alive to foreign deities. Adolf Hitler was a master occultist. He wasn't just this military general that like nearly submitted the whole world to his military rule. But he actually was a tremendous occultist and he wanted to burn all the Jews alive to these to tilt the balance of scale in the world away from God and to hurt God and to bring about is pansy pattern ism, which is the worship of nature pan ism.
00:23:33:03 - 00:24:02:07
Speaker 1
It's called pan ism. And right now, ironically, what are we in? We're in a pandemic, but it's all about the worship of the of the God pan. And it's all massive, massive Nazi propaganda and psyop that has been done on the population. And the truth is, is yes, Bibi is working for these people. These people are the actual Nazis from Nuremberg who escaped Nuremberg, fled to Argentina, put their money in different things, hide it in crypto like SRP.
00:24:02:12 - 00:24:26:18
Speaker 1
A lot of Nazis had their money in XRP. That's why the world they Economic Forum made SRP as an official currency of the World Economic Forum. They're like a non nation state with their own currency called SRP. It's like Nazi cash, secret stores of Nazi cash and the actual Nazis are back in full effect. And it's Klaus Schwab and his father was Eugene Schwab.
00:24:26:23 - 00:24:59:04
Speaker 1
He was an SS member and he is in full power. And DB Netanyahu and Pfizer have become his little cock bitch. Bibi is the cock ditch of the World Economic Forum. And so if you want to know who Bibi's really compromised too, it's not Pfizer. He's compromised to the World Economic Forum. And if the World Economic Forum told him to get up on stage and start humping pillows or eating bugs or doing weird stuff like Nicole Kidman is doing now, and all these celebrities are doing now, he'd get up and he bugs, too, because he does what he's told.
00:24:59:10 - 00:25:18:20
Speaker 1
He's a compromised asset. And the only thing I heard you say, Matt, that I think is true is that he's a compromised asset and that Israel does not have its own sovereignty. And that's the topic of today's conversation. Does Israel have its own sovereignty? And if not, who ushered in where Israel doesn't have our own sovereignty. And I and that clearly is Bibi Netanyahu.
00:25:18:24 - 00:25:48:13
Speaker 1
And if clearly Israel doesn't have its own sovereignty, then who's controlling Israel's nuclear arsenal? That's the question the whole world needs to ask. And if it is, the Nazis and the Nazis have found a way to literally get nuclear power, nuclear ability again by taking over countries with nuclear ability and the think that the Nazis are back with potential nuclear arsenal after they just genocide and potentially the Jews in Israel with their vaccine maybe sterilized.
00:25:48:21 - 00:26:06:04
Speaker 1
And who knows what's going to happen? Who knows what happens to the second and third generations of people who have taken the vaccine? Nobody knows. But they rushed to do this and unleashed this on the population that we're going to live in terror. What does it say in the Bible? I will punish your children until the third and fourth generations.
00:26:06:11 - 00:26:24:04
Speaker 1
And we've received one of those punishments from God. This clearly is a punishment from God for the third and the fourth generation, because we don't know what's going to happen and we just have to move forward in faith with God, knowing that it's going to be all right and having faith that it's going to be all right when everything potentially can look extremely grim.
00:26:24:09 - 00:26:46:23
Speaker 1
And that's why I don't date women who took the vaccine because they don't want to be in that reality. I want to be one of the ones who foresaw potentially coming in, at least aligned himself with somebody like minded. I'm not going to give my children any vaccines. I'm also not going to send my children to school or put them in places where they need to be around people or influenced by culture.
00:26:46:23 - 00:27:15:01
Speaker 1
That's going to require them to take vaccines. I think vaccine culture itself is a psyop of the Nazi think tank from the old school, like the 1930s, forties, fifties, all of them pushing forward into American pharmaceutical, the Nazis found a stronghold in an American pharmaceutical. They found protection in American pharmaceutical. The Nazis found immunity in American pharmaceutical and a place to generate immense amounts of wealth.
00:27:15:01 - 00:27:19:12
Speaker 1
The wealth of nations, as Pfizer just raked in $300 billion.
00:27:21:07 - 00:27:45:10
Speaker 3
Well, I studied the the I studied World War Two and the Nazis pretty closely when I was doing history, my history degree at Yale, definitely some of them tried to sneak out, go to Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, I think the ones who were brought to America under the close prison watch of the U.S. Army, I don't think they were able to so-to-speak keep going with their Nazi agenda.
00:27:45:10 - 00:28:09:15
Speaker 3
They were, in many cases, directly enslaved to the U.S. government. But I will agree with your larger possibility that elements of that agenda kept going. But I want to try to make a point that, like Jordan Peterson always says, like the line of good and evil runs through the human heart. All of us are partly Nazis. All of us are partly communists in the sense that I am neither.
00:28:10:05 - 00:28:11:07
Speaker 3
00:28:11:07 - 00:28:21:24
Speaker 1
I am neither Nazi or Communist. I don't know why you think all of us is like a term applicable to my audience, but nobody in my audience is either a Nazi or a communist.
00:28:22:17 - 00:28:27:22
Speaker 3
I mean, if you support the, you know, eight hour work day or benefits, I.
00:28:27:22 - 00:28:28:08
Speaker 1
00:28:28:14 - 00:28:37:18
Speaker 3
Think ending child labor or so you're a communist. And then if you if you if you support, you know, that that there should be organic agriculture and.
00:28:37:18 - 00:28:46:08
Speaker 1
Not a copy, you're missing your word supporting an eight hour work day. I'm like a freedom loving capitalist who believes that Americans should stop paying taxes.
00:28:46:08 - 00:28:47:22
Speaker 2
I think he's generalizing.
00:28:47:22 - 00:29:19:07
Speaker 1
I know you're generalizing ethnically. I think it's extremely important that that that you've admitted that. Here's a question that I have for you and that I really want you to answer this truthfully. Mr. Gale. Mr. Gale, over here, who who knows that elements of the Nazi power structure survived World War Two. Obviously not the sitting chair of the executive branch, but different actual bastions of power from the public and private sectors survive World War two, especially in Argentina and stuff like that.
00:29:19:07 - 00:29:49:17
Speaker 1
Do you think that after surviving World War Two, their agenda changed, or that the idealism and the religion of the fanatic religion of Nazism, which has to do a lot with this al-malik kill all the Jews type of thing, as a ridding the world of youth in Christ. Was it was it is that something that they that just happened to be purged or do you believe that it didn't get purged?
00:29:50:01 - 00:30:08:07
Speaker 1
And obviously Mein Kampf is still sold all over the world today and there's Nazi groups all over the place who actually believe in purging the world of the Jews. And we just did a whole series on Nick Fuentes. You can check out our band, our video response to Nick Flanders about his, like, freaking Nazi stuff that we got going on.
00:30:08:07 - 00:30:25:08
Speaker 1
And so, like, the ideology certainly did survive. So why would it not survive at the executive disenfranchized levels that survived Nuremberg? And and and you have to I think you have to come to terms with the fact that it did, I think now is your red pill moment.
00:30:25:08 - 00:30:29:06
Speaker 3
Well we killed an awful lot of Nazis at the.
00:30:29:06 - 00:30:53:23
Speaker 1
End and we still and we still do. Do you know the Simon Wiesenthal Center has a Nazi hunter, Efraim Fisher, as the actual chief of Nazi hunting at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, led by the glorious and infamous Rabbi May, he lived to 120 Rabbi Marvin Hier and Rabbi Abraham Cooper, and they both lived to 120 and carry out their their tremendous work on behalf of the Jewish people, something that I've been passionate about my entire adult life.
00:30:54:02 - 00:31:20:18
Speaker 1
I've got to say, you know, in this show I mentioned about some of my diplomatic past and stuff like that, I've been very closely associated with the Simon Wiesenthal Center for my entire adult life, and I would say even more so. The Rabbi Cooper is a tremendous mentor of mine In a lot of situations, I've found myself stuck in like, Hey, Rabbi, what do I do with this Saudi prince who owns like 10% of Wells Fargo Bank?
00:31:20:18 - 00:31:46:09
Speaker 1
What do I do? You know, stuff like that. So I've been very close to the seven winners of that, a center. I know I'm intimately close. I just want to say intimately close. I said his name just prior. Mr. Fisher, that we know. We know that there's Nazi hunter hunting. I'm intimately close with the process of of modern Nazi hunting.
00:31:46:18 - 00:32:11:20
Speaker 1
I know that their ideology has survived. I know that they are in the world today, that they're more powerful than they've ever been since 1944, is now is the strongest they've ever been. They're like a people in exile, just like the Jewish people. And their government that they have founded is called the World Economic Forum. And that's why he says we need to penetrate the cabinets of all the leaders of the world.
00:32:12:02 - 00:32:17:07
Speaker 1
And young Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is an example of the Young Global Leaders Initiative.
00:32:17:17 - 00:32:26:01
Speaker 3
The World Economic Forum seems to be a lot more of the communist ideology than of the Nazi ideology. They do diversity in what.
00:32:26:11 - 00:32:50:01
Speaker 1
It is, and Nazis are just you've got to understand something about Nazi ism, like Nazism was a socialist movement. First and foremost. Nazism is more closely related to communism than anything. You seem to have a bone against communism. Better failing to see than that Adolf Hitler ran a communist country. I mean there with with the ability to make profit.
00:32:50:20 - 00:33:01:07
Speaker 1
But everything was owned by the state. It was fascist, dictatorial and socialist. It was completely socialists. It was the Social Democrat Party of Germany is the Nazi Party, you know.
00:33:01:07 - 00:33:15:12
Speaker 3
So no, he abolished them. The National Socialist Party was against the Social Democrats, but they incorporated elements of capitalism and communism into National Socialist ism.
00:33:17:18 - 00:33:32:10
Speaker 3
Look, the Communists did incredible amounts of evil and killed, you know, 100, 150 million people when you count all the other countries that's still going on. Venezuela, Cambodia, Communists are incredibly evil, Nazis are incredibly evil.
00:33:34:10 - 00:33:56:19
Speaker 3
But a lot of that was good people who went along with these ideologies because it made sense to them at the time. And that's the really dangerous thing is is is the disguises of these evil ideas get get couched in positive things. And a lot of good people went along with it and helped make it happen. And didn't know or didn't see it until it was too late.
00:33:57:12 - 00:34:20:08
Speaker 3
So I want to try to focus on how do we stop good people from participating in or helping even the things like the vaccine, passport or lockdowns that, you know, extend totalitarianism because eventually bad people will hijack this totality arianism and do bad things to us. You don't need the terms communism or Nazi ism to point out evil.
00:34:21:19 - 00:34:44:22
Speaker 2
But I'm going to jump in because I know we're going to be running out of time here. I, I believe that there's Nazis out there. I believe in Nazi, I believe in communism. And not that I support it, of course, but I believe that it exists. And I believe that socialism exists in recognition of what Adam saying. Yeah, there, there.
00:34:45:03 - 00:34:55:04
Speaker 2
We need to do something about it. Now, the question is, what do we do? Let's let's move on from they exist because we know they exist. Let's move into the what do we do next.
00:34:55:04 - 00:35:17:16
Speaker 1
And that is something that we're going to continue to do here at the Adam King Show. Thank you for bringing it up, Rock, because we are going to continue to expose the Nazis inside of the New World Order. We're going to continue to expose the World Economic Forum for their crimes against humanity and releasing a super virus onto the World so that they could seize power through agencies like the World Health Organization and their partnerships in China with Xi Jinping.
00:35:17:22 - 00:35:33:21
Speaker 1
We're going to continue to expose the web of dark secrets we're going to continue to expose the child pedophile rings, and we're not going to quit. And if that means that we got to call someone that we love the Nazi because we think they actually might be one, we're not going to call them a Nazi if we don't think that they're one.
00:35:34:04 - 00:36:02:22
Speaker 1
If somebody gets up and says, look, Nick Fuentes hates Jews, clearly hates clearly he's got an issue with Jews. Not going to call him a Nazi. He's not one. He's just an American young kid with a bone to pick against the Jews who is an open to listening to anything but his own opinions, and vice versa. When I actually call somebody a Nazi, it's because I'm suspecting that they're associated with those that that escaped Nuremberg.
00:36:03:06 - 00:36:39:24
Speaker 1
And certainly Bibi Netanyahu has given tremendous profit to Pfizer, which is full of Nazi war criminals who escaped Nuremberg through Operation Paperclip. And this is something that should have been obvious to the Mossad. And it's obvious to all of us that Dan Dodd video and Infowars, who the World Economic Forum is and what they're up to behind the scenes with their Young Global Leaders Initiative and their programs to the World Health Organization and their currency manipulations and all the evil that they're creating through the world.
00:36:40:06 - 00:36:57:14
Speaker 1
When Klaus Schwab gets on stage, like dressed in a black robe like Emperor Palpatine and addresses everybody, we know who he is and we're exposing him. That's what we're going to continue to do is expose him. And if given the opportunity, we will end them. We will end all of them. We will bring all of them to justice.
00:36:57:21 - 00:37:18:10
Speaker 1
Nuremberg 2.0, baby. That's what it's called. We're going to hang them all. We're going to bring them to court. We're going to hang them all so the world can see and we will stand by what we say as Jews and every generation. Why do we say never again? And that's what we're going to do here. We're going to never again.
00:37:18:10 - 00:37:39:15
Speaker 1
The situation. We understand what is horrible for our nation. We understand that in every generation they come to try to kill us. We say that on the Passover story, we say that on Purim. We say that on all of our holidays. We said in our prayers every single day to watch our backs, because they're coming to kill us in every generation.
00:37:39:15 - 00:38:03:14
Speaker 1
And they've they are here again. And this is the warning to all the Jews and to the whole world. The Nazis are making a comeback and they don't want to call them back because I don't want to acknowledge the gains that they've made, which are hundreds of billions of dollars worth, including vast influence into the entire world. So like you said, what are we going to do about it?
00:38:03:14 - 00:38:24:12
Speaker 1
I'm telling you, we are going to continue the fight here at the Adam King Show. However, we must, including bringing awareness to this consistently on all of our episodes. I want to thank all of our listeners who tuned in to this extended edition of our 20th episode. I want to congratulate our entire crew and the Infowars team for having us 20 episodes.
00:38:24:24 - 00:38:30:00
Speaker 1
We are going to continue to push. I can't wait for our 100th episode where a fifth of the way there.
00:38:30:15 - 00:38:32:11
Speaker 2
Now we're on our way.
00:38:32:24 - 00:38:54:11
Speaker 1
Thank you, America. I am Adam King, your host of The Adam King Show. Goodnight and God bless.